Sara Weston, PMP, ENP
Founder & Executive Director - 911der Women, Inc.
CEO - Sara Weston Consulting, LLC
Sara Weston is the founder and executive director of 911der Women, Inc. (pronounced 9-1-wonder women), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation with a mission to empower and provide tools for women in public safety. She is the CEO of Sara Weston Consulting, LLC and has been a consultant for NG911 systems for the past 20 years where she works with states on planning, procuring and implementing NG911 systems as well as working with the National 911 Program on nation-wide projects to improve 911 systems. Sara holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Information Sciences and Technology from Penn State University and is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and holds the Emergency Number Professional (ENP) certification through NENA.
Session Info
March 15
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Keynote Address - A Call to Action: Lifting Each Other Up to Rise Together
March 16
9:15 am - 10:15 am
Next Gen (NG) 101