Tiffany Grier
Tiffany Grier is a 911 telecommunicator of Mecklenburg EMS Agency, EMT-B/ Fire Fighter for the state of MD, 1st first responders & first responders Peer Support counselors for the state of North Carolina. She specializes in helping telecommunicators find balance with work/ life trauma, triggers, and treatments. She educates and motivates telecommunicators to be aware of their selfcare, mental, physical, and spiritual health. She demonstrates her tools and techniques that were beneficial to her during her self-care healing journey from her recent past trauma’s. Her goal is to Help bring awareness to the telecommunicator community and the trauma’s they endure daily while showing up to save their community via one phone call at a time.
Session Info
March 16
10:30 am - 11:30 am
What's the Address of Your Emergency?